Nuff said

Thursday, January 31, 2013

DC Comics Unlimited New 52 JLU

DC Comics Unlimited New 52 Justice League figures featuring Superman, The Flash and Hawkman.
In awesome detail and some great packaging to boot.
Start your New 52 JLU collection today with Superman, The Flash and Hawkman.

DC comics unlimited New 52 JLU Justice League universe Superman The Flash Hawkman
DC comics unlimited New 52 JLU Justice League universe Superman The Flash HawkmanDC comics unlimited New 52 JLU Justice League universe Superman The Flash Hawkman

The Flash
DC comics unlimited New 52 JLU Justice League universe Superman The Flash Hawkman
DC comics unlimited New 52 JLU Justice League universe Superman The Flash HawkmanDC comics unlimited New 52 JLU Justice League universe Superman The Flash Hawkman


DC comics unlimited New 52 JLU Justice League universe Superman The Flash Hawkman
DC comics unlimited New 52 JLU Justice League universe Superman The Flash HawkmanDC comics unlimited New 52 JLU Justice League universe Superman The Flash Hawkman

Sunday, January 20, 2013

2013 Marvel figures releases - looking forward to great figures

2013 is going to be an awesome year for figures as with this SDCC 2012 Marvel preview presentation gives us sneak previews
Looking forward to great Marvel Legends, Marvel Universe, Ultimate Spider-man, Iron Man 3 and other figures.

Discover GREAT DEALS !