Nuff said

Showing posts with label Toy Collecting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Toy Collecting. Show all posts

Monday, October 4, 2021

A Debate on Toy Collecting and the Toy industry snowballs and fallouts beyond Retroblasting and Spector Creative Toyguru !


How did Toy Collecting get so complicated ?

Down the rabbit hole

HOLY MOLLY ! I never imagined toy collecting could be so complicated ! Recent I had a chance to catch the great debate with Youtube channel Retroblasting and Spector Creative Toyguru. Little did I realize that I was going down a rabbit hole into the darker side of Toy collecting and Youtube.

Today I came across Junkman's video above and was truly shocked that this "feud" seems to be snowballing out into other channels as well. Namely Analogue Toys and some extent Joefan82. Guess we should not be so surprised since Youtube is just another microverse of the world we live in, and obviously human beings being human, bring their personalities on to the platform too.

What is the beef ?

Seems like something said was not taken well, something done or not done and probably a lot more. I will not profess to be aware of all the facts, but from what I have seen from the videos included here, it would seem to be some conflict of personalities and strong views on certain aspects. Sad to see that this may be setting up camps and forcing folks to take sides. 

I believe both sides have valid view points and also it may be the impression of the situation from their side of the fence that is also causing so much friction. Each presents the situation from their perspective and may not present the full picture. You can only form your own opinion based on what they have presented and your values and perspective. I would urge fans of the channels to take a step back and not add to the fire, but rather try to understand both sides of the story, and help them to move on from this. If everyone just jumps in to support one side or the other, and start throwing "stuff" at the other party, then this will just go down an ugly spiral. 

Hopefully all parties can just go back to focusing on toy collecting and move on from this. Remember toy collecting is suppose to be enjoyed and an outlet from the harshness of the world. If we are bringing all the harshness of the world into toy collecting then it just destroys the whole community..

I started down this dark universe rabbit hole with Retroblasting few months ago, and the hole seems to be widening. Let's get back to toy collecting.

Monday, August 9, 2021

The dark side of toy collecting, Facebook groups and social media

 Just caught Michael's video for Youtube channel RetroBlasting and it was disturbing. Seems like he has been caught up in some dispute for one of the smaller creators of Star Wars figures Smith Lord Creations. This brings to surface again the dark side of today's social media where even a small action can get snowballed into some very dark and destructive.

In summary, seems like Smith Lord Creations had taken some pre-orders for a Star Wars set and people were still waiting on these for almost 2 years. Michael had done a video on these and Smith Lord Creations as part of his Youtube channel RetroBlasting some time back, With this, it seems like a lot of people expected him to help to settle the issue with Smith Lord Creation.

This brings about the nature of social media and the inherent expectations for the people who view your content. Does making a video about someone or some entity tie you forever with them? Seems like the more influence you have in terms of followers to your channel, this seems to be the expectation, at least for some out there. It seems to be a far stretch for the imagination to tie this most tenuous link.

Personally I can't comment if any of the connections are real or true since I don't have all the facts. Based on the information, I would say that this is not a realistic expectation of anyone.

As a fellow collector and social media publisher, I would just like to extend the hand of support to Michael and all those social media publishers out there who face this challenge of unreasonable expectations. Don't let this get into your life. Keep the faith and enjoy what you do.

#marvelpg_my #youtube #facebook #socialmedia #Retro #Retroblasting #darkside

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